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All the abstracts and full papers submitted to iCMLDE2018 will be refereed by at least two independent reviewers based on the relevance of the conference, significance, technical quality, manuscript organization and uptodate references, and if accepted will be published in a conference proceedings published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS). CPS-published conference publications are submitted to IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) where they are indexed and universally found and available. For more details, please click here


IEEE CPS Publications:

Conference Publishing Services (CPS) is the premiere production and publishing group for STEM conferences around the world. CPS provide high quality production services and a customer-first experience. It offer 24/7 access to your conference content during the production process, and a professional CPS Editor who can assist you with paper collection and validation, copyright collection, and graphic design for you conference publication. CPS can also help with collateral, conference apps, and custom solutions. And as a service of the IEEE Computer Society, CPS is well-positioned to submit your content to the IEEE Xplore TM Digital Library. Let CPS help you make your conference publication experience easy and efficient.

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